Day of Event FAQ’s
Food, picnics brought from home (no glass containers)
Chairs (but no tables or blankets; please be considerate of your neighbors)
Baby strollers and stroller wagons
NO dogs, no pets
NO glass bottles or containers
NO video cameras or recording devices of any kind (Per Artist Contracts)
NO cameras with detachable lenses (Per Artist Contracts)
NO alcoholic beverages, drugs, or illegal substances
NO sharp objects
NO weapons of any kind
NO explosives and/or flammable materials
NO smoking or vaping inside the park
NO rain umbrellas
NO shade umbrellas, canopies, or tents
NO tarps, NO blankets & NO field coverings
NO drones or UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)
NO tables/stands
NO blankets
NO pushcarts or wagons with wheels
NO ropes or lines to reserve an area for friends & family
NO fastening of chairs together
The Horseneck Parking Lot
2 Horseneck Ln, Greenwich, CT 06831
The GTP is an annual celebration for the people of Greenwich to come together, participate, and experience the strength of our Community.
What is the Greenwich Town Party?
The GTP is an annual celebration for the people of Greenwich to come together, participate, and experience the strength of our Community.
What is the mission of the Greenwich Town Party?
Create an annual celebration for the people of Greenwich to come together and participate in a day of music, food, fun, family, friendship and to experience the strength of community.
Is the Greenwich Town Party affiliated with the Town of Greenwich?
Is the Greenwich Town Party a non-profit?
Yes, the Greenwich Town Party, Inc. is an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Who plans the Greenwich Town Party?
The GTP is created entirely by the people of Greenwich, for the people of Greenwich. It is participation that makes the day possible – from donating, being a sponsor, purchasing tickets, volunteering, or just sharing in the day.
Baseline Productions, led by Ken Hays, handles music booking and production.
Case Study Brands, led by Sara Allard, is responsible for all branding, marketing, and communications.
Charlotte Minor is the Development Director. Charlotte is responsible for development, including but not limited to Sponsors, Neighbors and the Online Auction.
Kriskey Lane Communications, led by Susan Kriskey and Marni Lane, is responsible for all publicity.
Who pays for this event?
The Greenwich Town Party is sponsored by the Greenwich Town Party, Inc., a non-profit organization so that our community can come together and celebrate. Sponsor contributions support 80% of the party and allow those who may otherwise not be able to attend to purchase significantly discounted tickets.
Does this event cost the Town of Greenwich or its taxpayers, and if yes, how much?
The Greenwich Town Party has no cost to the Town of Greenwich. The GTP is an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit; privately funded through generous contributions from residents and businesses, and, in part, through ticket sales. In the spirit of mutual generosity, the GTP encourages everyone to contribute as much as they can so that all of our community can come together and celebrate. One generous Greenwich resident matches all contributions. All proceeds support the sustainability of the event.
If the Town of Greenwich and its taxpayers do not pay for the event, please explain the on-site presence of uniformed town policemen, firemen and emergency medical services staff.
The GTP covers the entire cost of all event staff, including all personnel from the Town of Greenwich Police Department, Fire Department, and GEMS. Every one of the Town personnel on-site and working at the event are off-duty, and paid by the GTP.
Why is the event open only to Greenwich residents? Why are business owners and employees in Greenwich allowed to buy tickets?
The goal of the GTP is to unite a large and diverse Town of Greenwich, with one common purpose – to celebrate our community. Greenwich is made up of several different neighborhoods and all of the people who live and work in our town are important members of this community.
Why are there a limited number of tickets available?
The GTP complies with the legal capacity for the venue, per the Greenwich Police Department, the Greenwich Fire Department and the Town of Greenwich.
Will the event be rescheduled if it rains?
No. The Greenwich Town Party takes place rain or shine.
Can I purchase tickets at the gate on the day of the event?
No. There will be no tickets sold on-site the day of the event.
Is re-admission permitted?
Yes. Re-admission is permitted. Ticketholders will be subject to security check and the same park rules/policies upon re-entry.
What is the GTP ticket lottery?
In an effort to make the ticket purchase process as fair as possible for the community, The GTP conducts a ticket lottery. During an open submission period, Greenwich residents and employees can participate in our online lottery by filling out a Waitlist Request Form for the number of Community (general admission) tickets they’d like. The lottery (a random sort of all submitted requests) is conducted after the submission period closes. Actual purchase transactions take place after the lottery is conducted and winners are notified. PLEASE NOTE: ONE LOTTERY SUBMISSION FOR COMMUNITY TICKETS PER HOUSEHOLD IS ACCEPTED. The system permits one entry per unique email address; multiple submissions for a household will render all applications null and void. Complete lottery information can be found HERE.
How many tickets are available in the ticket lottery?
There are 6,000 Community (general admission) tickets, including adults and children.
Is there a senior ticket lottery?
Due to the significantly increased cost in the production of the party since its inception more than 10 years ago, the GTP can no longer offer a lower priced ticket beyond the $100 discounted ticket - for all adults. As such, the $25 Senior ticket has been eliminated. The GTP is a non-profit event for our community to come together and celebrate. Sponsor contributions support 80% of the party and allow those who may otherwise not be able to attend to purchase these continually discounted tickets. We hope seniors will consider participating in the Community ticket lottery.
How is the ticket lottery announced/promoted?
The GTP ticket lottery is announced to the community via email, social media, and the Greenwich Town Party website, as well as via local media. Lottery submissions are accepted over the course of a pre-determined open period, with no preference given to the date/time of submission during that open period. Announcements and reminders are sent, made, and posted throughout the open period.
Are lottery entrants required to verify residency/employment?
Contact information, including address/zip code, is part of every application. All lottery winners are verified.
When does the GTP ticket lottery take place?
The 2025 ticket lottery takes place March 4 - 24.
How are lottery winners notified?
Lottery winners are notified by email that they are winners and they will have an opt-out window if they do not want their tickets. If they want the tickets they win, they will be charged for the exact QTY of tickets they requested when they entered. Any unused tickets from winners who choose to opt out, will be placed back in the waitlist pool. Tickets are delivered prior to the event date.
Are non-winners also notified?
Yes. Everyone who enters the lottery is notified via email.
What if I apply for the ticket lottery but am not notified?
All applicants will be notified. Winning applicants are notified via email from both the GTP and our third-party ticket vendor.
How do notified Lottery winners purchase their tickets?
Lottery winners will be notified both by Front Gate, a ticketing, software and operations provider for the festival and event industry, and the GTP’s third-party ticket vendor. Lottery winners will have a one-day window to opt-out if they do NOT want their tickets. For winners who DO want their tickets: the credit card included in the submitted Waitlist Request Form, will be charged after the one-day opt-out window has expired. For more information about purchasing tickets via Front Gate, view the company’s Privacy Policy HERE.
What happens if a lottery winner does not purchase his/her tickets?
If a lottery winner opts out/declines to purchase his/her tickets, those remaining tickets will be returned to ticket inventory and offered to the next person on the waitlist.
What is the Waitlist?
All lottery entrants fill out a Waitlist Request Form, which is hosted by our third-party ticket vendor, Front Gate Tickets. All submitted forms are considered to be lottery entries. These forms will be randomly sorted after the open submission period ends. The Waitlist is the list of applicants, randomly sorted, who wanted the opportunity to purchase tickets. People who win the lottery come off the waitlist. People who did not win, remain on the waitlist.
When does the Waitlist find out if there are additional tickets available?
If any additional ticket lottery inventory is available, the next person(s) on the waitlist would be notified, in the order of the original randomly sorted list of all lottery submissions.
Will any tickets go on sale to the general public other than via a lottery?
No. There is no separate sale for Community tickets.
What is the maximum number of tickets per ticket purchase transaction?
6 Community (adult), 4 children ages 2-12, and 2 babies under age 2.
Why are people able to purchase as many as 6 tickets in one transaction?
The ticket purchase maximums allow people to purchase enough tickets to accommodate families.
How many times are people allowed to enter the lottery?
In order to be fair to all, we ask for only one Community lottery submission per family/household. For each submission, the system permits one entry per unique email address. The GTP also implements a verification process to confirm unique email identities.
Are the Greenwich residents/employees who purchase tickets allowed to bring non-residents as their guests?
Do children need tickets to attend the Greenwich Town Party?
All children need tickets to attend the Greenwich Town Party. Tickets for children ages 2-12 are $20 each. Babies under age 2 are free but need a ticket to enter the event. Children ages 13+ also need tickets; the cost for age 13+ tickets is the same as an adult Community ticket ($100 per). Children and/or Baby tickets must be secured at the time of community ticket purchase - all lottery applicants are reminded to include the Children and/or Baby tickets they need when they enter the lottery. Children and Baby tickets are only for the children of the Community ticket purchaser; no exceptions.
When do the lottery-winning ticket purchasers receive their tickets?
Lottery winners who purchase tickets receive a confirmation email/receipt. Tickets are delivered prior to the event date. Delivery method TBD.
Can I buy Community or Senior general admission tickets on the website?
Community tickets can only be purchased by winners of the annual GTP ticket lottery.
Are people able to purchase tickets at Town Hall?
Greenwich Town Party (GTP) tickets may only be purchased by those who live or work in Greenwich. All submitted applications will be verified for Greenwich residency or employment. If a ticket lottery winner's billing zip code is not within the Town of Greenwich, the GTP will verify the applicant via proof of residency, employment or academic enrollment. No exceptions. Please be aware that The Greenwich Town Party reserves the right to refund a ticket purchase in its entirety, exclusive of service fees, should it be further determined that a ticket purchaser does not live, work or attend school in the Town of Greenwich.
80% of each Community ticket is generously funded by individual and corporate sponsors of the GTP.
Are tickets refundable?
No. All tickets are non-refundable. No exceptions.
Does the Greenwich Town Party have a ticket exchange/marketplace?
No. The Greenwich Town Party does not have or facilitate a ticket exchange program.
What is the Greenwich Town Party’s policy on third-party ticket sales?
The Greenwich Town Party does not recommend trying to purchase tickets through third parties. We are not responsible for any tickets that are not purchased through The GTP. We only are able to supply tickets or reprints to the original buyer of the ticket with the order confirmation number, or the credit card that was used for the purchase.
What is the Greenwich Town Party’s policy on ticket scalping?
The Greenwich Town Party has zero tolerance for ticket scalping. According to GTP Ticket Terms, the resale or attempted resale of any issued ticket at a price higher than face value is grounds for seizure or cancellation without refund or other compensation. Complete ticket terms are here.
What is a Neighbor Pass?
A Neighbor Pass represents the actual per-person cost of the event. A Neighbor Pass includes General Admission plus unlimited all-day access to the Neighbor Area, a designated area where food, beverages, beer & wine are served. A Neighbor Pass also includes preferred parking.
Please note: Greenwich Town Party (GTP) Tickets may only be purchased by Greenwich residents or employees. All ticket purchases will be verified for Greenwich residency or employment. If the billing zip code is not within the Town of Greenwich, the GTP will verify via proof of residency and/or employment. No exceptions.
If I purchase Neighbor Passes, do my children need tickets?
Yes, all children of the Neighbor Pass purchaser do need tickets to the Greenwich Town Party. Neighbor Passes for children ages 2-12 are $20 each. Babies under age 2 are free but need a ticket to enter the event. Children ages 13+ also need tickets; the cost for age 13+ tickets is the same as an adult. Neighbor Child and/or Neighbor Baby Passes must be secured at the time of Neighbor Pass purchase. Neighbor Child and Baby Passes are only for the children of the Neighbor Pass purchaser; no exceptions.
Are Neighbor Passes tax deductible?
Based on GTP’s 2024 event: With the purchase of a GTP 2024 Neighbor Ticket at $500.00, the estimated value of goods and services provided was $200.00 per ticket, leaving the tax deductible portion of the ticket at $300.00. The Greenwich Town Party Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Organization.
Are Service Animals (Dogs) permitted at the Greenwich Town party?
Yes, Service Animals (Dogs) are permitted at the Greenwich Town Party pursuant to:
Under the ADA, a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability.
The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability.
What does ‘work or perform tasks’ mean?
The dog must be trained to take a specific action when needed to assist the person with a disability. For example, a person with diabetes may have a dog that is trained to alert him when his blood sugar reaches high or low levels. A person with depression may have a dog that is trained to remind her to take her medication. Or, a person who has epilepsy may have a dog that is trained to detect the onset of a seizure and then help the person remain safe during the seizure.
Are emotional support, therapy, comfort, or companion animals considered service animals under the ADA?
No. These terms are used to describe animals that provide comfort just by being with a person. Because they have not been trained to perform a specific job or task, they do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.